SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat Installation Guide



SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig1


  • Preparation
    • Remove the security screw on the bottom of Terminal Equipment Controller cover.
    • Open unit by pulling on the bottom side of Terminal Equipment Controller (Fig. 1).
    • Remove wiring terminals from sticker.
    • Please read the FCC ID and IC label installed in the cover upon removal of cover for the wireless products.SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig2


  • Should not be installed on an outside wall.
  •  Must be installed away from any direct heat source.
  •  Should not be installed near an air discharge grill.
  •  Should not be affected by direct sun radiation.
  • Nothing should restrict vertical air circulation to the Terminal Equipment Controller.


  1. Swing open the Terminal Equipment Controller PCB to the left by pressing the PCB locking tabs (Fig. 2).
  2. Pull out cables 6” out from the wall.
  3. Wall surface must be flat and clean.
  4. Insert cable in the central hole of the base.
  5. Align the base and mark the location of the two mounting holes on the wall. Install base in the proper orientation. Arrow on base should be facing up.
  6. Install anchors in the wall.
  7.  Insert screws in mounting holes on each side of the base (Fig. 2).
  8. Gently swing back the circuit board on the base and push on it until the tabs lock it.
  9. Strip each wire 1/4 inch from end.
  10. Insert each wire according to wiring diagram.
  11. Gently push excess wiring back into hole (Fig. 3).
  12. Re-Install wiring terminals in their correct locations (Fig. 3).
  13. Re-install the cover (top side first) and gently push extra wire length back into the hole in the wall.
  14. Install security screw.SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig3 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig4
    • If replacing an old Terminal Equipment Controller, label the wires before removal of the old Terminal Equipment Controller.
    • Electronic controls are static sensitive devices. Discharge yourself properly before manipulating and installing the Terminal Equipment Controller.
    • A short circuit or wrong wiring may permanently damage the Terminal Equipment Controller or the equipment.
    • All SE7000 series Terminal Equipment Controllers are designed for
      use as operating controls only and are not safety devices. These instruments have undergone rigorous tests and verification prior to shipping to ensure proper and reliable operation in the field. Whenever a control failure could lead to personal injury and/or loss of property, it becomes the responsibility of the user / installer / electrical system designer to incorporate safety devices (such as relays, flow switch, thermal protections, etc…) and/or an alarm system to protect the entire system against such catastrophic failures. Tampering with the devices or unintended application of the devices will result in a void of warranty.


Binary input #1 can be configured for the following functions:

  1. (None): No function will be associated with the input
  2.  (Rem NSB): remote NSB timer clock input. The scheduling will now be set as per the binary input. It provides low cost setback operation via a dry contact
    Contact opened = Occupied
    Contact closed = Unoccupied
  3. (Motion NO) and (Motion NC): Advanced PIR occupancy functions using a normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) remote PIR motion sensor. Occupancy mode is now set as per applied PIR function and configuration. Application information and examples are available on document: APP-PIRGuide- Exx. This document will provide the installers and system designers with detailed examples on applications, parameter configuration information, sequence of operation, troubleshooting and diagnostic help required for the proper usage of the PIR accessory covers
  4. (Window) EMS: Forces the system to disable any current heating or cooling action by the Terminal Equipment Controller. The mode stays the same and the current setpoints are the same occupied setpoints. Only the outputs are disabled. There is a Door or Window alarm displayed on the Terminal Equipment Controller to indicate to the local tenant that the door or window needs to be closed for cooling or heating to resume. Use NC contact.
    Contact opened = System disabled with local Window alarm
    Contact closed = System enabled

Binary input #2 can be configured for the following functions:

  1.  (None): No function will be associated with the input
  2.  (Door Dry) Door contact & Motion detector: This configuration is only functional if binary input #1 is set to Motion NO or Motion NC or a PIR ac-cessory cover is used. With this sequence enabled, the occupancy is now dictated through those 2 inputs. Any motion detected will set the zone to occupied status. The zone will remain permanently in occupied mode until the door contact switch opens momentarily. The Terminal Equipment Con-troller will then go in stand-by mode. If more movements are detected, the occupied mode will resume. While the door is opened, any movements de-tected by the remote PIR sensor or the PIR accessory cover will be ignored. Use a Normally Closed contact switching device.
    Contact opened = Door opened
    Contact closed = Door closed
  3.  (RemOVR): temporary occupancy remote override contact. This function disables the central button override function on the Terminal Equipment Controller. The override function is now controlled by a manual remote momentarily closed contact. When configured in this mode, the input operates in a toggle mode. It is now possible to toggle between unoccupied & occupied setpoints for the amount of time set by parameter (TOccTime) temporary occupancy time.
  4.  (Filter): a backlit flashing Filter alarm will be displayed on the Terminal Equipment Controller LCD screen when the input is energized. It can be tied to a differential pressure switch that monitor filters
    Contact opened = No alarm
    Contact closed = Alarm displayed
  5.  (Service): a backlit flashing Service alarm will be displayed on the Terminal Equipment Controller LCD screen when the input is energized. It can be tied in to the AC unit control card, which provides an alarm in case of malfunction.
    Contact opened = No alarm
    Contact closed = Alarm displayed

Universal input #3 can be configured for the following functions

  1. (None): No function will be associated with the input
  2.  (COC/NH) Change over dry contact. Normally Heat: Used for hot or cold air or water change over switching in 2 pipe systems.
    Contact closed = Cold air/water present Contact opened = Hot air/water present Only used and valid if system is set up as 2.0. Parameter (Out1Conf) set as 2.0.
  3.  (COC/NC) Change over dry contact. Normally Cool: Used for hot/cold air/water change over switching in 2 pipe systems.
    Contact closed = Hot air/water present Contact opened = Cold air/water present Only used and valid if system is setup as 2.0. Parameter (Out1Conf) set as 2.0.
  4.  (COS) Change over analog sensor: Used for hot/cold air/water change over switching in 2 pipe systems.
    Only used and valid if system is set up as 2.0. Parameter (Out1Conf) set as 2.0.
    If temperature is > 77 °F = Hot air / water present
    If temperature is < 75 °F = Cold air / water present
  5.  (SS) Supply air sensor monitoring: Used for supply air temperature monitoring.
    Only used for network reporting of the supply air temperature. Has no internal function in the Terminal Equipment Controller.

Network ready

  • All Schneider-Electric SE7200 series Terminal Equipment Controllers are designed for stand-alone (Network Ready) operation.
  • They can be fully integrated into your choice of automation systems using the available communication adapter options.
  • If required, stand-alone (Network Ready) Terminal Equipment Controllers can be field retrofitted with the following communication adapters:
    • VCM7000V5045W, Terminal Equipment Controller wireless communication adapter
    • VCM7300V5045B, Terminal Equipment Controller BACnet® MS-TP communication adapter
    • VCM7300V5045E, Terminal Equipment Controller Lontalk® communication adapter


Product Matrix selector for the SE7200 controllers

Please refer to the following matrix when ordering controllers:

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig5


SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig6


Terminal identification

Schneider Part Numbers SE7200C5x45(x) Viconics Number SE7200F5x45(x)
Description / Application 1 or 2 Floating outputs Description / Application 1 or 2 Analog outputs
1 or 2 On/Off outputs

4- 24 V~ Hot


24 V~ Hot


4- 24 V~ Hot


24 V~ Hot

5- 24 V~ Com 24 V~ Com 5- 24 V~ Com 24 V~ Com

6- Aux BO 5


BO 5-Aux


6- Aux BO 5


BO 5-Aux

7- Aux BO 5 BO 5-Aux 7- Aux BO 5 BO 5-Aux
8- BO 3 Open Heat BO 3

9- BO 4 Close Heat


BO 4


9- AO 2 Heat


AO 2

10- BO 1 Open Cool BO 1 10- AO 1 Cool AO 1
11- BO 2 Close Cool BO 2 Not used Blank Blank
12- BI 1 BI 1 12- BI 1 BI 1
13- RS RS 13- RS RS
14- Scom Scom 14- Scom Scom
15- BI 2 BI 2 15- BI 2 BI 2
16- UI 3 COS / COC /SS UI 3 16- UI 3 COS / COC /SS UI 3


SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig7

Main outputs wiring

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig8

Typical applications

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig9

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig10

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig11 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig12


Model no. Description
S3010W1000 Wall mounted temperature sensor
S3020W1045 Wall mounted temperature sensor with override key and occupancy status LED

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig13

Remote mount temperature sensors use 10K NTC thermistors.

This sensor can be used for:

  • Each sensor can be configured for various averaging combinations
  • Optional occupancy led
  • Optional override key

Wall Mounted Sensor

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig14 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig15

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig16

Temperature vs. resistance chart for 10 Kohm NTC thermistor (R25°C = 10KΩ±3%, B25/85°C = 3975K±1.5%)

ºC ºF Kohm ºC ºF Kohm ºC ºF Kohm ºC ºF Kohm ºC ºF Kohm
-40 -40 324.3197 -20 -4 94.5149 0 32 32.1910 20 68 12.4601 40 104 5.3467
-35 -31 234.4009 -15 5 71.2430 5 41 25.1119 25 77 10.0000 45 113 4.3881
-30 -22 171.3474 -10 14 54.1988 10 50 19.7390 30 86 8.0694 50 122 3.6202
-25 -13 126.6109 -5 23 41.5956 15 59 15.6286 35 95 6.5499 55 131 3.0016


Status display
The Terminal Equipment Controller features a two-line, eight-character display. There is a low level backlight level that is always active and can only be seen at night.
When left unattended, the Terminal Equipment Controller has an auto scrolling display that shows the actual status of the system. There is an option in the configuration menu to lockout the scrolling display and to only present the room temperature and conditional outdoor temperature to the user. With this option enabled, no local status is given of mode, occupancy and relative humidity.
Each item is scrolled one by one with the back lighting in low level mode. Pressing any key will cause the back light to come on to high level. When left unattended for 10 seconds after changes are made, the display will resume automatic status display scrolling.
To turn on the back light to high level, press any key on the front panel. The back lit display will return to low level when the Terminal Equipment Controller is left unattended for 45 seconds

Sequence of auto-scroll status display

x.x °C or °F XX % RH Sys mode Occupied Outdoor Service
Auto x.x °C or °F Filter
Sys mode cool Stand-By Window
Sys mode heat Unoccup

Outdoor air temperature

  • Display is only enabled when outdoor air temperature network variable is received.
    Occupancy status
  • Occupied, Stand-By, Unoccupied and Override status are displayed on the scrolling display.
  • If alarms are detected, they will automatically be displayed at the end of the scrolling status display.
  • When an alarm message is displayed, the backlit screen will illuminate at the same time as the message and shut off during the rest of the status display.
  • Two alarms maximum can appear at any given time. The priority for the alarms is as follows:
    Service Indicates that there is a service alarm as per one of the configured binary inputs (BI2)
    Filter Indicates that the filters are dirty as per one of the configured binary inputs (BI2)


    Indicates that the outside window or door is opened and that the Terminal Equipment Controller has cancelled any cooling or heating action (BI1)

    Two status LED’s on the Terminal Equipment Control cover are used to indicate a call for heat or a call for cooling. Zoning models

    When heating & reheat is ON, the HEAT LED will illuminate HEAT


    When cooling is ON, the COOL LED will illuminate COOL



Unoccupied mode override
An Override can be made during an unoccupied period. If the Override option is enabled in the lockout configuration pressing the Override but-ton will resume occupied setpoints for a time specified by parameter ToccTime .

Local keypad interface

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig17

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig18  

▪   An Override can be made during an unoccupied period. If the Override option is enabled in the lockout configuration pressing the override key will resume occupied setpoints for a time specified by parameter ToccTime

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig19 ▪   In cooling mode only the cooling setpoint is displayed,

▪   In heating mode only the heating setpoint is displayed

▪   In auto mode, (See below)

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig20 ▪   In cooling mode only the cooling setpoint is displayed,

▪   In heating mode only the heating setpoint is displayed

▪   In auto mode, (See below)

  • Any setpoint change can be permanent or temporary based on configuration parameter (Setpoint Type)
  • Any setpoint written through the network, will be permanent and cancel any active temporary setpoints
  • Lockouts of access to certain functions is made with configuration parameter (lockout)

Occupied setpoints adjustments

Occupied se points adju stments







▪   Setpoint presented to user is the setpoint from the last action taken by the Terminal Equipment Controller or the one currently in use.

▪   Both heating and cooling setpoints are changed simultaneously while respecting the minimum configured deadband

Cool XX.X

°F or °C

Heat XX.X

°F or °C

No access to set- point Cool XX.X °F or °C and Heat XX.X °F or °C Both heating & cooling setpoints change simultaneously

Unoccupied and stand-by setpoints adjustments
Setting of the stand-by and unoccupied setpoints is done through the network or through configuration setup only.

Mode button menu sequence
Modes presented to the user are dependent on the sequence of operation selected.
Default mode is shown in bold when sequence of operation parameter is changed.

System mode function
PLEASE NOTE THAT: Default system mode of operation is dependent on sequence of operation selected
Default mode is in bold when sequence of operation parameter is changed
The available mode can only be changed through the network since there is no local mode access

Sequence of operations

0 = Cooling Only Off – Cool
1 = Heating Only Off – Heat
2 = Cooling With Electric Reheat Off – Auto – Heat – Cool
3 = Heating With Electric Reheat Off – Heat
4 = Cooling and Heating ( 2 modulating outputs ) Off – Auto – Heat – Cool
5 = Cooling or heating ( 2 modulating outputs) with reheat Off – Auto – Heat – Cool


Configuration can be done through the network or locally at the Terminal Equipment Controller.

  • To enter configuration, press and hold the middle button (°C/°F or Override) for 8 seconds.
    If a password lockout is active, “Password” is prompted. Enter password value using the “up” and “down” arrows and press the middle button again to gain access to all configuration properties of the Terminal Equipment Controller. Entering a wrong password will prevent local access to the configuration menu.
  • Press the same middle button repetitively to scroll between all the available parameters.
  • Use the up and down key to change the parameter to the desired value.
  • To acknowledge and save the new value, press the middle button again.
  • The next parameter will now be displayed.

Configuration interface

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig18  

Pressing repetitively will individually scroll all the available parameters.

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig19  

Adjust / rotate parameter value down.

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig20  

Adjust / rotate parameter value up.


Configuration parameters menu access password

Default value = 0

Range is: 0 to 1000

This parameter sets a password access to prevent unauthorized access to the configuration menu parameters. A default value of “0” will not prompt a password or lock the access to the configuration menu.

Range is: 0 to 1000

Com Addr

Terminal Equipment Controller networking address

Default value = 254

Range is: 0 to 254

Conditional parameter to BACnet® MS-TP models SE7200X5x45B

Conditional parameter to Wireless models SE7200X5x45W

▪    For BACnet® MS-TP models, the valid range is from 1 to 127. Default value of 254 disables BACnet® communication for the Terminal Equipment Controller.

For wireless models, the valid range is 0 to 254 with a maximum of 30 Terminal Equipment Controller per VWG


Personal Area Network Identification Default value = 0

Range is: 0 to 500

Conditional parameter to Wireless models SE7200X5x45W

This parameter will only appear when a wireless network adapter is present. If the Terminal Equipment Controller is installed as a stand-alone (Network Ready) unit or with a BACnet® or Echelon® adapter, this parameter will not be used or displayed.

This parameter (Personal Area Network Identification) is used to link specific Terminal Equipment Controllers to a single specific Schneider-Electric wireless gateway (VWG). For every Terminal Equipment Controller reporting to a gateway (maximum of 30 Terminal Equipment Controllers per gateway), be sure you set the SAME PAN ID value both on the gateway and the Terminal Equipment Controller(s).

The default value of 0 is NOT a valid PAN ID.

The valid range of available PAN ID is from 1 to 1000.

Range 1 to 500 for centralized networked applications using a VWG or a Jace with the wireless stat driver

Range 501 to 1000 is for stand-alone (Network Ready) applications where no VWG or Jace with the wireless stat driver is used.


Channel selection Default value = 10 Range is: 10 to 26

Conditional parameter to Wireless models SE7200X5x45W

This parameter will only appear when a wireless network adapter is present. If the Terminal Equipment Controller is installed as a stand-alone (Network Ready) unit or with a BACnet® or Echelon® adapter, this parameter will not be used or displayed.

This parameter (Channel) is used to link specific Terminal Equipment Controllers to specific Schneider- Electric wireless gateway(s) (VWG). For every Terminal Equipment Controller reporting to a gateway (maximum of 30 Terminal Equipment Controllers per gateway), be sure you set the SAME channel value both on the gateway and the Terminal Equipment Controller(s).

Schneider-Electric recommends using only channels 15 and 25.

The default value of 10 is NOT a valid channel. The valid range of available channels is from 11 to 26

Get From

Terminal Equipment Controller Get From another device configuration utility Default value = 0 Range is: 0 to 254

Conditional parameter to Wireless models SE7200X5x45W

Entering a MAC address enables an automatic routine that automatically fetches all the required configuration properties of the current device from another already configured device and copies the same required configured property values.

If a value other than the default value of 255 is entered, user will then be prompted to exit the Configuration Menu thus leaving all other parameter configurations to be copied from the referenced Terminal Equipment Controller MAC address.

Ex.: If you are currently configuring MAC12 and the settings match exactly the settings of ZN MAC5, then enter 5 as the current parameter value.

▪   If the process is successful and all required configuration properties have been copied, the value will revert back to 255

▪   If the process is NOT successful and all required configuration properties have NOT been copied ( either the reference device is NOT the same model number or is offline or does not exists ) the value will revert back to 254 to indicate the failure of the process

Leaving the Get From parameter to 255 means that every configuration parameter will be set manually.

BI 1

Binary input no.1 configuration

Default value = None

(None): No function will be associated with the input. Input can be used for remote network monitoring.

(Rem NSB): remote NSB timer clock input. The scheduling will now be set as per the binary input. It pro- vides low-cost setback operation via a dry contact

▪   Contact opened = Occupied

▪   Contact closed = Unoccupied

(Motion NO) or (Motion NC): Advanced PIR occupancy functions using a Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC) remote PIR motion sensor. Occupancy mode is now set as per the applied PIR function and configuration. Application information and examples are available in the document: APP-PIR-Guide-Exx. This document will provide the installers and system designers with detailed examples on applications, parameter configuration information, sequence of operation, troubleshooting, and diagnostic help required for the proper usage of the PIR accessory covers

(Window) EMS: Forces the system to disable any current heating or cooling action by the Terminal Equipment Controller. The mode stays the same and the current setpoints are the same Occupied setpoints. Only the outputs are disabled. There is a Door/Window alarm displayed on the Terminal Equipment Controller to indicate to the local tenant that the door/window needs to be closed for cooling or heating to resume.

▪   Contact opened = Window Opened

▪   Contact closed = Window Closed

*These settings will disable the local override function on the Terminal Equipment Controller

BI 2

Binary input no.2 configuration

Default value = None

(None): No function will be associated with the input

(Door Dry) Door contact & Motion detector: This configuration is only functional if binary input #1 is set to Motion NO or Motion NC or a PIR accessory cover is used.

With this sequence enabled, the occupancy is now dictated through those 2 inputs. Any motion detected will set the zone to occupied status. The zone will remain permanently in occupied mode until the door contact switch opens momentarily. The Terminal Equipment Controller will then go in stand-by mode. If more movements are detected, the occupied mode will resume. While the door is opened, any movements detected by the remote PIR sensor or the PIR accessory cover will be ignored. Use a Normally Closed contact switching device.

▪   Contact opened = Door opened

▪   Contact closed = Door closed

(RemOVR): temporary occupancy remote override contact. This function disables the central button over- ride function on the Terminal Equipment Controller. The override function is now controlled by a manual remote momentarily closed contact. When configured in this mode, the input operates in a toggle mode. It is now possible to toggle between unoccupied & occupied setpoints for the amount of time set by parameter (TOccTime) temporary occupancy time.

(Filter): a backlit flashing Filter alarm will be displayed on the Terminal Equipment Controller LCD screen when the input is energized. It can be tied to a differential pressure switch that monitor filters

▪   Contact opened = No alarm

▪   Contact closed = Alarm displayed

(Service): a backlit flashing Service alarm will be displayed on the Terminal Equipment Controller LCD screen when the input is energized. It can be tied in to the AC unit control card, which provides an alarm in case of malfunction.

▪   Contact opened = No alarm

▪   Contact closed = Alarm displayed


Universal input no.3 configuration

Default value = None

(None): No function will be associated with the input

(COC/NH) Change over dry contact. Normally Heat: Used for hot / cold water or air change over switching in 2 pipe systems.

Contact closed = Cold water or air present Contact opened = Hot water or air present

Only used and valid if system is setup as 2 pipes. Parameter (Pipe No) set as 2 pipes.

(COC/NC) Change over dry contact. Normally Cool: Used for hot / cold water or air change over switching in 2 pipe systems.

Contact closed = Hot water present Contact opened = Cold water present

Only used and valid if system is setup as 2 pipes. Parameter (Pipe No) set as 2 pipes.

(COS) Change over analog sensor: Used for hot / cold water or air change over switching in 2 pipe systems.

Only used and valid if system is setup as 2 pipes. Parameter (Pipe No) set as 2 pipes. If water temperature is > 78 °F = Hot water present

If water temperature is < 75 °F = Cold water present

(SS) Supply air sensor monitoring: Used for supply air temperature monitoring.

Only used for network reporting of the supply air temperature. Has no internal function in the Terminal Equipment Controller.


Menu scroll

Default value = On = Scroll active

Removes the scrolling display and displays the room temperature/humidity to the user. With this option enabled, no mode, schedule and outdoor temperature status is given.

▪   On = Scroll active

▪   Off = Scroll not active

C or F

Sets scale of the Terminal Equipment Controller

Default value = °F

▪   °F for Fahrenheit scale

▪   °C for Celsius scale




SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig18  

SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig19 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig20

0 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig21 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig21
1 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig22 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig21


4 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig21 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig22
5 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig22 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat-fig22

Output # 1 configura- tion Default is: 4.0

(2 control outputs, no changeover)

Defines the type of operation needed for Output #1 (BO1 & BO2)

2.0, will limit the number of sequences of operation available from 0 to 3

Will enable heat/cool operation from the same output (refer to wiring diagram) 4.0, can access all the sequences of operation from 0 to 5

Will enable heat/cool operation from different output (refer to wiring diagram)


Control type for Triac models

Default is : Floating

Defines the type of control output for the type of valves installed SE7200C10xx only On-Off is for normally opened or normally closed 24 VAC 2 position valves

Floating is for modulating 3 wires control of 24 VAC floating valves


Sequence of operation Default is: Sequence1

Single output application (Out1Conf) = 2.0  

Dual output application (Out1Conf) = 4.0

0 = Cooling Only Yes access Yes access
1 = Heating Only Yes access Yes access
2 = Cooling With Reheat Yes access Yes access
3 = Heating With Reheat Yes access Yes access
4 = Cool and Heat, 2 outputs No access Yes access
5 = Cool and Heat, 2 outputs with reheat No access Yes access
For single output applications, the system access is also limited if UI3 is configured for local changeover COS, COC/NC or COC/NC.
St-By TM

Stand-by Timer value Default = 0.5 hours

Time delay between the moment when the PIR sensor detected the last movement in the area and the time when the Terminal Equipment Controller stand-by mode and setpoints become active.

Range is: 0.5 to 24.0 hours in 0.5hr increments.

Unocc TM Unoccupied Timer value

Default = 0.0 hours

Time delay between the moment when the Terminal Equipment Controller toggles to stand-by mode and the time when the Terminal Equipment Controller unoccupied mode and setpoints become active.

The factory value or 0.0 hours: Setting this parameter to its default value of 0.0 hours disables the unoc- cupied timer. This prevents the Terminal Equipment Controller to drift from stand-by mode to unoccupied mode when PIR functions are used

Range is: 0.0 to 24.0 hours in 0.5hr increments.

St-By HT

Stand-by heating setpoint

Default value = 69 °F

The value of this parameter should reside between the occupied and unoccupied heating setpoints and make sure that the difference between the stand-by and occupied value

can be recovered in a timely fashion when movement is detected in the zone. Stand-by heating setpoint range is: 40 to 90 °F (4.5 to 32.0 °C)

St-By CL

Stand-by cooling setpoint limit

Default value = 78 °F

The value of this parameter should reside between the occupied and unoccupied cooling setpoints and make sure that the difference between the stand-by and occupied value can be recovered in a timely fash- ion when movement is detected in the zone.

Stand-by cooling setpoint range is: 54 to 100 °F (12.0 to 37.5 °C)

Unocc HT Unoccupied heating setpoint

Default value = 62 °F

Unoccupied heating setpoint range is: 40 to 90 °F (4.5 to 32.0 °C)
Unocc CL Unoccupied cooling setpoint limit

Default value = 80 °F

Unoccupied cooling setpoint range is: 54 to 100 °F (12.0 to 37.5 °C)
Heat max Maximum heating setpoint limit Default value = 90 °F (32 °C) Maximum occupied & unoccupied heating setpoint adjustment. Heating setpoint range is: 40 to 90 °F (4.5 to 32.0 °C)
Cool min

Minimum cooling set- point limit

Default value =

54 °F (12 °C)

Minimum occupied & unoccupied cooling setpoint adjustment. Cooling setpoint range is: 54 to 100 °F (12.0 to 37.5 °C)



Adjust the proportional band used by the Terminal Equipment Controller PI control loop.


Note that the default value of 3.0 °F (1.2 °C) gives satisfactory operation in most normal installation cases. The use of a proportional band different than the factory one is normally warranted in applications where the

Terminal Equipment Controller location is problematic and leads to unwanted cycling of the unit. A typical example is a wall mounted unit where the Terminal Equipment Controller is installed between the return and supply air feeds and is directly influenced by the supply air stream of the unit.

VALUE           °F SCALE         °C SCALE

PBAND             PBAND

3                      3 F                   1.2 C

4                      4 F                   1.7 C

5                      5 F                   2.2 C

6                      6 F                   2.8 C

7                      7 F                   3.3 C

8                      8 F                   3.9 C

9                      9 F                   5.0 C

10                    10 F                  5.6 C

Proportional band
Default = 3
Set Type Temporary setpoint enable

Default value =


Temporar: (temporary) Local changes to the heating or cooling setpoints by the user are temporary. They will remain effective for the duration specified by “ToccTime”. Setpoints will then revert back to their default value after internal timer “ToccTime” expires.

To change setpoints permanently, revert this variable to No or write setpoints through the network. Any setpoints written through the network will be permanent and saved to EEPROM.

Enables temporary setpoints feature to any change of occupied or unoccupied setpoint. Permnent: (permanent) Any change of occupied or unoccupied setpoints through the keypad by the user are permanent and saved to EEPROM
TOccTime Temporary occupancy time

Default value = 2


Temporary occupancy time with occupied mode setpoints when override function is enabled.


When the Terminal Equipment Controller is in unoccupied mode, function is enabled with either the menu or UI2 configured as remote override input.

Range is: 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & up to 24 hours

Minimum deadband Default value = 2.0 °F (1.0 °C)

The minimum deadband value between the heating and cooling setpoints. When modified, it will take effect only when any of the setpoints are modified again.

Range is: 2, 3, 4 or 5 °F, 1.0 °F increments (1.0 to 2.5 °C, 0.5 °C increments)

Schneider Electric – Small Building Systems Tel. Americas: North Andover, MA 1-800-225-0962 Tel. Europe: Malmö, Sweden +46 40 38 68 50 Tel. Asia Pacific: Hong Kong +852 2565 0621


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SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat Installation Guide

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SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SE7200 thermostat Installation Guide


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