Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-product

Lennox icomfort Touch Screen Programmable Communicating Thermostat installation and setup guide


Lennox icomfort Touch Screen Programmable Communicating Thermostat

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-product

icomfort Thermostat Terms and Acronyms

  • Subnet Controller (SC): (part of the communicating thermostat) Local device that controls the system.
  • Subnet: A part of the communication network that contains devices to control one functional HVAC system.
  • RSBus − Residential Serial Bus − the means for transmitting data within the communicating system.
  • Controller Area Network Protocol: Rules for networking, for transmission and receipt of information between communicating systems.
  • Baud Rate: Maximum speed of BUS 40K baud.
  • Byte: 8 bits of information transmitted on the RSBus.
  • Integrated Furnace Control (IFC): Communicating control for furnace.
  • IFC controls ignition, CAI, blower, and monitors all safety features in the unit.
  • Air Handler Control (AHC): Communicating control for air handler units. AHC controls operation of blower, heat strips, and monitors all safety features in the unit.
  • HP Control (Defrost Control) (UC): Communicating defrost control. UC controls low and high speed compressor operation, defrost operations, fan motor, and reversing valve and monitors all safety features in the unit.
  • AC Control: Communicating air conditioning control. AC controls low and high speed compressor operation, fan motor operation, and all safety monitors in the unit.
  • Discharge Air Sensor (DAS): Communicating discharge air sensor. Provides discharge air temperature to Bus, UI, and IFC for proper operation of equipment.
    • R: 24V power
    • C: 24V common
    • i+: + data information connection
    • i−: − data information connection
  • Configuration: Function that accrues during setup of system to identify other communicating devices. Configuration is also used in setup of a variable capacity furnace to properly set furnace parameters.
  • Memory Fault Recall: Method of checking for errors
  • Firmware: Software stored on a memory chip instead of being part of a program
  • Software: Programming and applications for computer

icomfort Technical Description

The 24VAC icomfort thermostat stores system parameters and settings in a nonvolatile memory (i.e., it retains data when electrical power fails or is turned off). The thermostat (see figure 1) also:

  • includes on-board help screens,
  • supports heat pumps or non−heat pump units, with up to 4 stage heat / 2 stage compressor operation. (2 stages of heat pump heating and 2 stages of auxiliary backup heat are provided. Also, 2 stages of emergency heat are provided),
  • supports Indoor Air Quality with time-based notification of consumables including media filters, UVC bulbs, humidifier pads, and PureAir catalyst service/replacement,
  • supports variable capacity / multistage heat/cool, universal compatibility (gas/electric/heat pump/ac), and is dual fuel capable with two balance points.

Always use correct software version as recommended for replacement configuration (discovery).
Connections to non communication outdoor units and all accessories is described in the Quick−Start Installation guide. (Wiring diagrams are also shown beginning on Page 36.)

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.1

Thermostat Features

Thermostat Type
Electronic communicating, color display touch screen, 7−day programmable.

  • Humidification Measurement and Control,
  • Dew Point Adjustment Control,
  • Dehumidification Measurement and Control,
  • Humiditrol® Enhanced Dehumidification Accessory (EDA),
  • Multi-stage HVAC Systems,
  • Equipment Maintenance Reminders.
  • On-board Help Screens.

The icomfort thermostat’s autochangeover mode permits control of heating, cooling, humidification, and dehumidification without user involvement.
Outdoor Temperature Sensor
Communicating outdoor units contain a built in outdoor temperature sensor.

Installing icomfort thermostat

Refer to the Quick Start Guide for all the information about installing the thermostat to a wall and for wiring diagrams for connecting the thermostat to the system using one of a number of possible configurations.
(Wiring diagrams are also shown beginning on Page 36.)
After all the wiring is in place, apply power to the system. 24VAC will begin to power up the thermostat.
Continue with the Installer setup that follows.

Installer setup

After power is applied to the thermostat for the first time, the processor checks the system for installed communicating devices, the System discovery” screen (figure 2) is displayed on the thermostat; followed by the Use this thermostat” screen (figure 3). Press here to continue.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.2

During the setup process, alerts may pop open to inform the installer some item of information that affects the setup (figure 4). Tend to any such alerts prior to continuing setup.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.3

system settings (figure 5) appear first. As you use the up/down arrows to scroll through the settings, the right hand side will show the current value, for example, Current Value: (35% ) shows the current setting of the Circulate Fan ON time.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.4

The following shows the range/condition and defaults for the settings.

system setting range/condition default use
Time and Date see Page 8
Daylight Saving Time Enabled/Disabled Enabled
Circulate Fan ON Time 15 to 45 35%
Dealer Name Lennox
Dealer Address Dealer Phone Number

Dealer Email


(alpha−numeric characters)




use type writer to change

Dealer Website www.lennox.com

If you want to modify a setting, use one of the tools shown in figure 6. (Make time and date as described on Page 8.) After changes have been made, use save to store the changed data or cancel to exit the screen and return to the list of settings.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.5

Setting time and date

Use the arrows to select Time and Date; press edit (see figure 7). Press next to proceed to the Set current time and date” screen (figure 8).

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.6

When the Time and Date” screen appears, enter the correct date as follows:

  • Press one of the time and date boxes − the text will change to white type in a dark box (for example, press the 10″ box in figure 8).
  • Press the up/down arrows to change the data.
  • Press other boxes and adjust with the arrows for all time and date information. When the date and time is correct, press save to save settings and return to previous settings screen.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.7

After setting the time and date, if you don’t need to add any non−communicating devices, you may wish to accept the default system parameters and skip forward to tests”. To do so, repeatedly press next step on each screen until you get to the test screen. From there, you can check the operation of the system. Thereafter, should you need to change a communicating device parameter, access those settings by pressing the equipment tab in the installer section?

Add/remove/modify non−communicating devices

From this screen (figure 9), use the yes button to access a list of non−communicating devices for installing or removing. A list similar to that shown in figure 10 will appear.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.8

Humidification / Dehumidification Control Modes depend on a humidifier
and/or dehumidifier being added to the system. Therefore, you must press yes on the button near “Add or Remove Non−communicating equipment?” Also, in order for the user’s display to show these controls, the system controls must be set. See Page 12 for more information.
Use the up/down arrows (see figure 10) to select a setting. The right hand side of the screen indicates what is currently selected, for example, Current Value: (Not Installed); press edit if you want to modify that setting.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.9

A typical Installed status screen (Figure 11) shows if the device is not installed or the type of equipment is installed. Use the arrows to change and use save to save the change. (Cancel goes pack to the previous screen.)

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.10

Modify communicating device settings

Use this screen (figure 12) to access communicating devices’ settings.
Use back to return to the previous screen or next step to go on.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.11

With one of the devices highlighted, press about, then use arrow keys to see a list of data about the selected device. If you select reset ALL, and then confirm, ALL devices will be reset to their factory settings. (You would see a screen similar to figure 14.) With one of the devices in figure 12 highlighted, press edit to go to that device’s list of settings (see figure 13). Use the up/down arrows to scroll through the device’s settings and observe the right hand side of the screen (figure 13) to see the current setting, for example, Current Value: (Off). Press edit if you want to modify that setting, or press back to return to the previous screen.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.12

Settings available for the devices are dependant on the components you have. Shown below is an example of changing the compressor shift delay on. After using the arrows to select On, press save to save the changes and return to the previous screen.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.13

If you select reset and then confirm, the highlighted device will be reset to its factory setting. You would see a screen similar to figure 14, but referencing only the selected device.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.14

After a reset, the device which had its settings reset to default will display in the system devices screen in red type. You will be required to highlight the red−type device( s) and use edit (see figure 12) to change or at least view the changed settings of the red−type devices.
HP XP19−060−230−06 5809K00015 AIR HANDLER CBX32MV−60 5809K00020
In the edit mode, the feature list will show the selected device’s changed features in red type. Use the up/ down arrows to select each red−typed feature and press edit. Make changes to the settings using the Edit tools if desired, or at least, press save in each feature screen. Upon saving, the previous screen will display and the type will again be black. Press back to return the Modify communicating device settings screen.
Equipment Name Electric Heating Airflow Low Cooling Airflow Low Cooling Airflow
At this point press next step to advance to the test controls.

Indoor air quality controls

An example of installing UV Light is shown in figure 10, Page 9. To turn on humidification or dehumidification controls, in addition to the setup described on Page 9, work from either the setup tab or the equipment tab to get to the adjustment screen (figure 15). Use the arrows to highlight the SYSTEM selection. Press edit.
A long list of features are listed on the right of the next screen (see figure 16). Use the arrows to locate Humidification Control Mode and/or Dehumidification Control Mode. Press edit.
Depending on the type of equipment installed, the lists of options may be different than those shown in figure 17. In order for either or both of these controls to display, the selected option must be other than Display Only”.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.15Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.16


BASIC & PRECISION these modes allow user control of RH between 15 and 45%. These conditions must be met for either mode to operate:

  • humidification mode has been enabled, and
  • the unit is in HEAT mode, and
  • humidification demand exists (24V present at H), and
  • BASIC mode also requires heat demand exists (Y for HP heat, or W for gas heat [W may be energized with G de−energized]).

DEW POINT CONTROL Dew point adjustment mode will change the humidification setpoint based on the outdoor temperature and a user−defined dew point adjustment setting.
In BASIC mode, dehumidification occurs if these conditions are met and signals are present at specific terminals:

  • dehumidification has been enabled on installer settings, and
  • the unit is in COOL mode, and
  • dehumidification demand exists (RH above setpoint), and
  • cooling demand exists (Y1 energized).

In PRECISION mode, dehumidification occurs if all BASIC conditions are true, except cooling demand may or may not be present. Maximum overcool from cooling set point is 2ºF.

  • outdoor sensor must be installed and setup
  • dehumidification has been enabled on installer settings, and
  • the unit is in COOL mode, (or if in AUTO, at least one thermostat cooling call made prior to the dehumidification demand), and
  • a dehumidification demand exists (RH above setpoint), and
  • outdoor temp. below 95°F; indoor temp. above 65°F, and
  • for HUMIDITROL, Humiditrol comfort adjust parameters as follows:
    • MAX adj. − Indoor temp > 2°F above heating setpoint
    • MID adj. − Indoor temp > HEAT SETPOINT+COOL SETPOINT
    • MIN adj. − Indoor temp > 2°F below cooling setpoint

The tests feature is not available until after setup has been completed once. After you press next step in the final setup screen, the Select tests to run” screen (figure 18) appears.
If you re−select the tests tab from any other screen, a message to press Start button below to begin system testing” appears; press start.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.17

When the tests screen opens, TEST ALL will be highlighted (but not yet selected). If you want to run TEST ALL, press select. Note your selection on the right side says selected test TEST ALL”. Also, note there are now two buttons along the bottom labeled remove and start. Use remove to deselect a selected test. If you prefer, run tests one−at−a−time using the arrows to highlight a desired test and then press select. Press start to begin testing.Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.18

After the tests have been started, the screen will describe which test is running (see figure 20). After concluding that the results are the desired results for any test, press next (if using TEST ALL) to proceed to the next test or done (if running a single test).

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.19

After pressing done, the Testing finished” screen will appear (see figure 21). At this point, use the EXIT tab (if you are finished with all setup), or use diagnostics tab (to analyze the system), or use equipment tab (if you wish to make any changes to device details).

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.20


This feature allows the installer to edit details of devices in the system without having to re−run the setup program. The following appears after the equipment tab has been selected.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.21

Press start; the Equipment details edit” screen (figure 22) will open. You may view information about or modify communicating devices as described earlier in the setup pages, beginning on page 10.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.22


Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.23

Table on Page 25 shows a list of Editable Parameters for the currently available devices designed to communicate in this system. Other devices and additional parameters may be added at a later date. Check the unit installation manuals (i.e. furnace, air handler, heat pump, ac unit) for current information and default parameters.


If you need to run diagnostics to analyze the system, press the diagnostics tab. The Select device to run diagnostics” screen (figure 24) will open.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.24

Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the list of items found on the left of the screen. Then press select. The right side of the screen shows which item is selected (figure 25). Use start to begin the process. The screen will show DIAGNOSTICS IN PROGRESS…” briefly, then change to show the list of values and conditions discovered. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the information and take note of any found to be out of operating range. Press done when finished with the information and select another device to diagnose or use EXIT if finished.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.25


As described earlier on Page 6, alerts may pop up on the screen during setup. To view alerts otherwise, press the alerts tab. Up to 10 alerts are stored for recall by the technician. The left side of the main alert screen shows a list of each communicating device discovered in the system and includes model and serial number information. The up/down arrows allow you to scroll through the list of discovered devices. The selected device is shown in bold lettering. On the right side of the alert screen, press view active alerts to list all active alerts for either SYSTEM ALERTS (lists alerts from all communicating devices) or a selected device. If there are no alerts, the display will show There are no new alerts that require service”. Press view cleared alerts to list previously active alerts that were cleared by the device or installer. Until at least one alert has been cleared by the device or the installer, the display will show There are no new alerts that require service”.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.26

The first alert will be displayed in the Device alert” screen (figure 27), in order of:

  1. critical first (red icon),
  2. service next (yellow icon).
    If the information in the alert box exceeds the box size, press press for more to see the remaining information.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.27

Clearing alerts

A critical alert (red icon) identifies a system or device issue that can prevent the system from working properly or at all, and if allowed to run, could cause damage to the system. The issue raised by the alert must be addressed before clearing the alert.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.29
Press clear (see figure 27) to request clearing of a critical alert; then confirm the request (shown to the right). The device will respond to the request indicating whether or not the alert can be cleared at that time. If it cannot be cleared, revisit the alert issue and make repairs accordingly.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.28
The edit date option is not available for a critical alert.
A service alert (yellow icon) reminds users to service filters, humidifier pad, UV light and PureAir Air Purification system. Press clear (see figure 27) to request clearing of a service alert. If you answer no to the was action taken” screen (shown to the right), the alert reappears and is not cleared. Action must be taken, either to perform the maintenance required, or instead of clearing, you may edit the time to again be reminded (described later).
If you press yes to ’was action taken?’, the Set new alert date” screen (figure 28) appears. You may chose from the list of options or set a custom time (see figure 30).

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.30

After selecting a time period using either method and pressing set, the Cleared alert confirmation” screen (figure 29) appears.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.31

Using custom time”

Use Setting custom time” screen (figure 30) to set an exact date and time for the reminder to appear. Press in one of the boxes to highlight it and use the up/down arrows to change the value in that box. Repeat for all boxes. When desired reminder is displayed, press set.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.32

Using remind later”
You may chose remind later and select from Remind later options” list (see figure 31) or set a custom time as described earlier (see figure 30).

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.33

After selecting a reminder time using the listed options or a custom time, press set; the Remind later confirmation” screen appears (see figure 32).

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.34

View cleared alerts

A history of cleared alerts allows the installer to review the cleared alerts. This information can help diagnose problems. Use the arrows to (figure 34) select either SYSTEM ALERTS or a devicefrom the list (see figure 34) and press view cleared alerts. Then scroll through the alerts using next alert (see figure 34). The back button returns to the system devices alerts screen.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.35

If no alert or only one alert is present in the history of cleared alerts, only the back button appears. If no alerts are present in the system or device’s history, a message will state that There are no new alerts that require service”.

Access installer program from Home screen

To access the installer program after the unit has been placed in operation and the user home screen is displayed, press the Lennox” logo and hold for 5 seconds (see figure 35). The system will access the installer screens.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.36

Figure 36, Qualified Lennox equipment installer warning” screen appears; press yes to proceed (no returns the home screen).

When you press yes, the thermostat’s processor will search for communicating devices in the system. The next display will be a summary of all alerts detected.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.37
After initial installation, if an alert is present when you are making changes to settings, no action on the alert is mandatory.

Reconfiguring a system

To begin reconfiguring a system, press the setup tab. The Start system configuration” screen (figure 37) appears; press start to proceed.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.38

If this is the first attempt to configure a system, the screen will change to the system discovery screen. The Re−configure confirmation” screen (figure 38) will only appear on attempts to RE−CONFIGURE the system. It is a reminder that system configuration may affect some existing device settings and prompts to confirm or cancel the configuration process (returns to figure 37).

Press confirm to continue system configuration; the screen will change to the system discovery screen.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.39

While reconfiguring, the thermostat will have retained settings from the previous configuration. If a device has been replaced and re−configuration has detected its replacement device, it will know the original device is missing and prompt the installer (figure 40). If this is the initial configuration, the Compatible device found” screen does not appear.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.40

Press next to accept the device and write the thermostat’s settings from the previous configuration to the found compatible device. The display changes to Settings were copied”. Press next to advance to the next screen.

Figure 41 lists all communicating devices found and gives you an opportunity to review the reconfigured devices. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the list of items found on the left of the screen. Press about to highlight an option on the right side of the screen and view details about that device. If necessary, change SYSTEM settings as described on Page 10.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.41

Editable Parameters Table

Editable Parameters Table (User and Installer)
Parameter Name: Default Parameter Value Setting Increment
Installer settings
Time and Date (Time/date elements screen)
Daylight Saving Time Enabled Enabled, Disabled
Circulate Fan − Percentage of Time ON 35% 15 to 45% 1%
Dealer Contact Information – Name Lennox (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Address (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Phone 1−800−9−LENNOX (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Email (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Website www.lennox.com (Typewriter input screen)
Equipment Name (Typewriter input screen)
Filter 1 Timer Selection Calendar Time Calendar Time, Run Time
Filter 2 Timer Selection Calendar Time Calendar Time, Run Time
Humidifier Pad Timer Selection Calendar Time Calendar Time, Run Time
UV Bulb Timer Selection Calendar Time Calendar Time, Run Time
PureAir Timer Selection Calendar Time Calendar Time, Run Time
Smooth Setback Recovery Disabled Enabled, Disabled
Electric Heat Control Mode Standard Standard, Even Heat
Gas Heat Control Mode Modulating Staged, Modulating
Autochangeover Temp Deadband 5ºF 3 to 9ºF 1ºF
Max Heat Setpoint 90ºF 40 to 90ºF 1ºF
Min Cool Setpoint 60ºF 60 to 99ºF 1ºF
Heat/Cool Stages Locked In Disabled Enabled, Disabled
Parameter Name: Default Parameter Value Setting Increment
1st Stage Differential 0.5ºF 0.5 to 3ºF .5ºF
2nd Stage Differential 1.5ºF 0.5 to 8ºF .5ºF
3rd Stage Differential 2.0ºF 0.5 to 8ºF .5ºF
4th Stage Differential 2.5ºF 0.5 to 8ºF .5ºF
5th Stage Differential 3.0ºF 0.5 to 8ºF .5ºF
6th Stage Differential 3.5ºF 0.5 to 8ºF .5ºF
Stage Delay Timers Enabled Enabled, Disabled
2nd Stage Delay 20 Minutes 5 to 120 Minutes 5 Min
3rd Stage Delay 20 Minutes 5 to 120 Minutes 5 Min
4th Stage Delay 20 Minutes 5 to 120 Minutes 5 Min
5thStage Delay 20 Minutes 5 to 120 Minutes 5 Min
6th Stage Delay 20 Minutes 5 to 120 Minutes 5 Min
Locked in 2nd Stage HP by Outdoor Temp Off Off, 40F (4C), 45F (7C), 50F (10C), 55F (13C),
Balance Point Control Disabled Enabled, Disabled
Defrost Target Discharge Temp 55ºF 50 to 60ºF 1ºF
Dehumidification Control Mode Display Only Display Only, Basic, Precision
Humidification Control Mode Display Only Display Only, Basic, Precision, Dew Point Control
Autochangeover Humidification Deadband 5% 5 to 10% 1ºF
Max Humidification Setpoint 45% 15 to 45% 1ºF
Max Dehumidification Setpoint 40% 40 to 60% 1ºF
OK/Humid Boundary 50% 45 to 60% 1ºF
Parameter Name: Default Parameter Value Setting Increment
Equipment Name Air Handler (Typewriter input screen)
Electric Heating Airflow  

nnnn CFM SEE NOTE −.



NOTE: CFM Default and Values Settings are dependent on the tonnage of the unit

Low Cooling Airflow 5CFM
High Cooling Airflow 5CFM
Cooling Airflow Profile 1 1: No Delays,                                                    3: ON: 82%/7.5min; OFF: No delays

2: ON: No delays; OFF: 45 sec delay          4: ON: 50%/30s,82%/7.5min; OFF:50%/30s

Low Heating Airflow  


nnnn CFM SEE NOTE −.



NOTE: CFM Default and Values Settings are dependent on the tonnage of the unit

High Heating Airflow 5CFM
Continuous Indoor Blower Airflow 10CFM
Humidification Airflow 10CFM
Dehumidification Airflow 70% 60 to 80% (percentage of reduction of High Cooling Airflow) 1%
Heating Indoor Blower OFF Delay 10 sec 0 to 10 Seconds 1 sec
Heating Indoor Blower ON Delay 0 sec 0 to 5 Seconds 1 sec
Cooling Indoor Blower OFF Delay 0 sec 0 to 30 Seconds 2 sec
Cooling Indoor Blower ON Delay 2 sec 0 to 10 Seconds 1 sec
HP Indoor Blower OFF Delay 45 sec 0 to 60 Seconds 5 sec
HP Indoor Blower ON Delay 0 sec 0 to 30 Seconds 5 sec
Equipment Name (Typewriter input screen)
Temp Reading Calibration 0ºF −5ºF to 5ºF 1ºF
Humidity Reading Calibration 0% −10 to 10% 1%RH
Equipment Name (HP and AC) Outdoor Unit (Typewriter input screen = up to 35 characters in string)
Compressor Short Cycle Delay (HP and AC) 300 Seconds 60 to 300 Seconds 60 Sec
Compressor Shift Delay On/Off (HP only) On On, Off
Defrost Termination Temp (HP only) 50ºF 50 to 100ºF 10ºF

Parameter Name





Default Min. Max. Incr.
Heating indoor blower OFF delay DIP SW 60 180 10 None DIP switch setting in Non−comm.
Heating indoor blower ON delay 45 15 45 5 None 45 sec fixed in Non−Comm. IFC
Cooling indoor blower OFF delay 0 0 30 2 Outdoor Unit present Not used on Non Com. IFC
Cooling indoor Blower ON Delay 2 0 10 1 Outdoor Unit present 2 sec fixed in Non−Comm. IFC
Heat pump indoor blower OFF delay 45 0 60 5 Heat Pump present Not used on Non Com. IFC
Heat pump indoor blower ON delay 0 0 30 5 Heat Pump present Not used on Non Com. IFC
Gas Heat Airflow Setting
Heating Airflow Control Type 0 – Fixed CFM 0 1 1 DATS installed 0  – Text ID 0x000E (Fixed CFM)

1  – Text ID 0x000F (Fixed DAT)

Low Heating Airflow (CFM @ 40% heat) DIP SW 325 450 25 Heating Airflow Control Type = 0 70,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
500 675 25 90,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
425 625 25 90,000 BTU; 1HP fan
625 875 25 110,000 BTU; 1 HP fan
750 1025 25 135,000 BTU; 1HP fan
High Heating Airflow (CFM @ 100%


DIP SW 800 1100 25 Heating Airflow Control Type = 0 70,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
925 1250 25 90,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
1025 1425 25 90,000 BTU; 1HP fan
1350 1850 25 110,000 BTU; 1 HP fan
1500 2050 25 135,000 BTU; 1HP fan
Low Heating Discharge Air Temperature

(DAT @ 40% heat)

DIP SW* 110 140 5 Heating Airflow Control Type = 1 70,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
110 140 5 90,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
110 140 5 90,000 BTU; 1HP fan
110 140 5 110,000 BTU; 1 HP fan
110 140 5 135,000 BTU; 1HP fan
High Heating Discharge Air Tempera-

ture (DAT @ 100% heat)

DIP SW* 120 150 5 Heating Airflow Control Type = 1 70,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
130 160 5 90,000 BTU; 1/2 HP fan
120 150 5 90,000 BTU; 1HP fan
120 150 5 110,000 BTU; 1 HP fan
125 155 5 135,000 BTU; 1HP fan
* − Default DAT value is rounded to the closest number on 5 deg F resolution and limited by Minimum and Maximum value.

Parameter Name





Default Min. Max. Incr.
Cooling Airflow Setting
High Cooling Airflow

(CFM @ 100% cool)

OU tons (OUNC) *


Min CFM Max CFM 25 Outdoor Unit present 1/2 HP blower
Min CFM Max CFM 25 1 HP blower
Low Cooling Airflow

(CFM @ lowest cool stage)

See Note1 below Min CFM Max CFM 25 2+ stage Outdoor Unit present 1/2 HP blower
Min CFM Max CFM 25 1 HP blower
Airflow Profile − Cooling DIP SW 0 3 1 Outdoor Unit present 0–Text ID 0x0105

(A:ON:50%/30s,82%/7.5min OFF:50%/30s)

1–Text ID 0x0106 (B:ON:82%/7.5min;

OFF: No delays)

2–Text ID 0x0107 (C:ON: No delays; OFF: 45sec delay)

3–Text ID 0x0108 (D:No delays)

Heat Pump Airflow Setting
High Heat Pump Airflow (CFM @


OU tons (OUNC) *


Min CFM Max CFM 25 Heat Pump present 1/2 HP blower
Min CFM Max CFM 25 1 HP blower
Low Heat Pump Airflow (CFM @ lowest


See Note 2 below Min CFM Max CFM 25 2+ stage Heat Pump present 1/2 HP blower
Min CFM Max CFM 25 1 HP blower
Other Parameters
Equipment Name Furnace N/A N/A N/A None Up to 35 characters
Continuous Indoor Blower Airflow DIP SW (See

Note 3)

Min CFM Max CFM 25 None 1/2 HP blower
Min CFM Max CFM 25 1 HP blower
Humidification Airflow Same as above Min CFM Max CFM 25 Humidifier present 1/2 HP blower
Min CFM Max CFM 25 1 HP blower
Dehumidification Airflow Percentage 140








OU present AND SC algorithm support Percent of High Cooling Airflow
Note 1: Minimum Outdoor Unit Cooling Stage as a percentage of High Cooling Airflow (value is rounded up to the closest number on 25 CFM resolution
Note 2: Minimum Outdoor Unit Heating Stage as a percentage of High Heat Pump Airflow (value is rounded up to the closest number on 25 CFM resolution).
Note 3: All communicating Installer Parameters default CFM values based on DIP switch setting (non−communicating value) are calculated using the CFM conversion tables and

rounded up to closest number on 25 CFM resolution.

Note 4: Parameter dependency − Certain parameters are dependent on others and may not be shown on the display.
Note 5: Default Values − Jumper/DIP switches impact the default value of some parameters.
Parameter Name: Default Parameter Value Setting Increment
User settings
Time and Date (Time/date elements screen)
Daylight Saving Time Enabled Enabled, Disabled
Circulate Fan − Percentage of Time ON 35% 15 to 45% 1%
Dealer Contact Information – Name Lennox (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Address (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Phone 1−800−9−LENNOX (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Email (Typewriter input screen)
Dealer Contact Information – Website www.lennox.com (Typewriter input screen)
Language Displayed English English
Temperature Display Scale (F) (F) Fahrenheit, (C) Celsius
Clock Format 12H 12 Hour, 24 Hour
Screen Lock−out Unlocked Unlocked, Partially Locked, Fully Locked
Backlight Setting Always On Power Save, Always On
Backlight Intensity 100% 20 to 100% 20%
Outdoor Temp Display Disabled Disabled, Enabled
Indoor Humidity Display Enabled Disabled, Enabled
Filter 1 Timer Disabled Disabled, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 24 Months, Custom Time
Filter 1 Timer Disabled Disabled, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 24 Months, Custom Time
Humidifier Pad Timer Disabled Disabled, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 24 Months, Custom Time
UV Bulb Timer Disabled Disabled, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 24 Months, Custom Time
Maintenance Timer Disabled Disabled, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 24 Months, Custom Time
PureAir Timer Disabled Disabled, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months, 24 Months, Custom Time

Alarm Codes and Troubleshooting

Alarm Codes and Troubleshooting
Alarm ID Message Name Action required to Clear/Recover
241 Flame Out of Sequence − Still Present Shut off gas, check for gas valve leak.
250 Primary Limit Switch Open Check firing rate on furnace, blockage in heater, and air flow.
252 Discharge Air Temperature High Check temperature rise, air flow and input rate.
270 Watch Guard − Flame Failure on Ignite Check for gas flow, ignitor lighting burner, flame sensor current.
271 Watch Guard − Low Pressure Switch Open Check inches of water column closing pressure of low pressure switch on heat call, measure inches of water column of operating pressure, inspect vent and combustion air inducer for correct operation and restriction.
272 Watch Guard − Low Pressure Switch Open Run Mode Check operation of low pressure switch for stuck closed on heat call, measure inches of water column of oper- ating pressure, inspect vent and combustion air inducer for correct operation and restriction. Check inches of water column closing pressure of high pressure switch on heat call, measure inches of water column of operat- ing pressure, inspect vent and combustion air inducer for correct operation and restriction.
273 Watch Guard − Flame Fail in Run Mode Check micro amperes of flame sensor in board diagnostics or field installed mode; clean or replace sensor. Measure voltage of neutral to ground for good unit ground.
274 Watch Guard − Primary Limit Switch Open Check why limit is tripping, over fired, low air flow.
275 Watch Guard − Flame Out of Sequence. No Flame Shut off gas, check for gas valve leak.
276 Watch Guard − Calibration Failure Unable to perform pressure switch calibration. Check vent system and pressure switch wiring connections.
290 Ignition Circuit Problem Measure resistance of Hot Surface Ignition ignitor, replace if open or not within specification; otherwise replace control.
291 Heat Airflow Restricted Below Min. Check for dirty filter, unit air flow restriction, blower performance.
292 Indoor Blower Motor Start Problem Indoor blower motor unable to start (seized bearing, stuck wheel, etc.). Replace motor or wheel if assembly does not operate or meet performance.
294 Inducer Motor Over current Check combustion blower bearings, wiring, amps. Replace if does not operate or meets performance.
295 Indoor Blower Over Temperature Indoor blower motor over temperature (motor tripped on internal protector). Check motor bearings, amps; re- place if necessary.
310 Discharge Air Sensor Problem Compare outdoor sensor resistance to temperature/resistance charts in installation instructions. Replace sensor if necessary.
311 Heat Rate Reduced to Match Airflow Furnace blower in cutback mode due to restricted airflow. Check filter and ductwork. To clear, replace filter if needed or repair/add ductwork.
312 Reduced Airflow − Indoor Blower Cutback Restricted airflow − Indoor blower is running at a reduced CFM (Cutback Mode − The variable speed motor has pre−set speed and torque limiters to protect the motor from damage caused by operating out of its designed parameters (0 to 0.8″ w.g. total external static pressure). Check filter and ductwork. To clear, replace filter if needed or repair/add ductwork.
Alarm Codes and Troubleshooting
Alarm ID Message Name Action required to Clear/Recover
313 Indoor/Outdoor Unit Capacity Mismatch Incorrect indoor/outdoor capacity code selected. Check for proper configuring in installation instructions. Alarm is just a warning. The system will operate, but might not meet efficiency and capacity parameters and alarm would clear when commissioning is exited.
345 Relay O Failure O relay / Stage 1 failed (Pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay coil did not energize),
346 HP Jumper not Removed Configuration jumper(s) not removed on control board cut O−R. Applicable with non communicating outdoor unit with communicating indoor system.
347 Relay Y1 Failure Y1 relay / Stage 1 failed (Pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay coil did not energize),
348 Relay Y2 Failure Y2 relay / Stage 2 failed (Pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay coil did not energize),
349 IFC Error Check Jumper O to R Configuration link R to O needs to restored Applicable in non communicating mode,
350 Electric Heat not Configured Heat call with no configured or mis−configured electric heat. Check for proper configuring under Configuring Electric Heat Stages in the air handler installation instructions.
351 Electric Heat Stage 1 Problem Heat section / Stage 1 failed (Pilot relay contacts did not close or the relay coil in the electric heat section did not energize).
352 Electric Heat Stage 2 Problem Heat section / Stage 2 failed (Same as Code 351).
353 Electric Heat Stage 3 Problem Heat section / Stage 3 failed (Same as Code 351).
354 Electric Heat Stage 4 Problem Heat section / Stage 4 failed (Same as Code 351).
355 Electric Heat Stage 5 Problem Heat section / Stage 5 failed (Same as Code 351).
400 LSOM Compressor Internal Overload Tripped Compressor protector is open. Check for high head pressure, check compressor supply voltage. Outdoor unit power disconnect is open.

Compressor circuit breaker or fuse(s) is open. Broken wire or connector is not making contact.

Low or high pressure switch open if present in the system. Compressor contactor has failed to close.

401 LSOM Compressor Long Run Cycle Compressor ran over 18 hours on one room thermostat demand.
402 LSOM Outdoor Unit System Pressure Trip Outdoor unit pressure trip. Check dirty coil, fan motor, refrigerant charge.
403 LSOM Compressor Short−Cycling Compressor short cycling (Running less than 4 minutes).
404 LSOM Compressor Rotor Locked Check capacitor, wiring, hard−start kit, replace compressor.
405 LSOM Compressor Open Circuit  

Check compressor for hot (cool down), check pressures, fan motor etc. Replace compressor if unable to get circuit to close and compressor to operate.

406 LSOM Compressor Open Start Circuit
407 LSOM Compressor Open Run Circuit
408 LSOM Compressor Contactor Welded Replace contactor.
409 LSOM Compressor Voltage Low Check power to unit.
Alarm Codes and Troubleshooting
Alarm ID Message Name Action required to Clear/Recover
410 Open Low Pressure Switch Remove any blockages or restrictions from indoor coils and/or fans. Check refrigerant charge and system operation.
411 Low Pressure Switch Strikes Lockout Check system charge using approach and sub cooling temperatures. Reset by putting outdoor board in test mode or resetting low voltage power.
412 Open High Pressure Switch Check system operating pressures and compare to unit charging charts.
413 High Pressure Switch Strikes Lockout Check system charge using approach and sub cooling temperatures. Reset by putting outdoor board in test mode or resetting low voltage power.
414 High Discharge Line Temperature Check system operating pressures and compare to unit charging charts.
415 High Discharge Line Temperature Strikes Lock- out Check system charge using approach and sub cooling temperatures. Reset by putting outdoor board in test mode or resetting low voltage power.
416 Outdoor Coil Sensor Faulty Sensor being detected open or shorted or out of temperature range. Board will not perform demand or time/tem- perature defrost operation. (System will still heat or cool).
417 Discharge Sensor Faulty The board detects open sensor or out of temperature sensor range. This fault is detected by allowing the unit to run for 90 seconds before checking sensor resistance. If the sensor resistances not within range after 90 sec- onds, the board will count one fault. After 5 faults, the board will lockout.
418 W Output Hardware Fault Replace the control board.
419 W Output Hardware Fault Lockout
420 Defrost Out of Control Defrost longer than 20 minutes. Check HP operation.
421 W External Miswire Alarm Check and correct the wiring.
530 Damper End Switch Failed to Close Repair/replace damper.
531 Damper End Switch Failed to Open Repair/replace damper.
532 Damper Control Module Alarm Check/replace if needed.
594 Discharge Air Temperature Sensor Problem Check wiring. Ohm out sensor and check to temperature/resistance chart.
700 Comfort Sensor Temperature Sensor Problem Recalibrate stat to clear, replace thermostat if needed.
701 Comfort Sensor Temperature Too High Recalibrate stat to clear, cool down stat, adjust setpoint, replace thermostat if needed.
702 Comfort Sensor Temperature Too Low Recalibrate stat to clear, warm up stat, adjust setpoint, replace thermostat if needed.
703 Comfort Sensor Humidity Sensor Problem Recalibrate stat to clear, adjust setpoint, replace thermostat if needed.
704 Comfort Sensor Humidity Too High Recalibrate stat to clear, replace thermostat if needed.
705 Comfort Sensor Humidity Too Low Recalibrate stat to clear replace thermostat if needed.

Wiring Diagrams − Communicating Systems

DAS NOTE − The discharge air sensor is intended to be mounted downstream of the heat exchanger and air conditioning coil. It must be placed in free airflow, where other accessories (such as humidifiers, UV lights, etc.) will not interfere with its accuracy. Wiring distance between the IFC or AHC and the discharge air sensor should not exceed 10ft when wired with 18−gauge thermostat wire.
OAS NOTE − Wiring distance between the IFC or AHC and the outdoor temperature sensor should not exceed 200ft when wired with 18−gauge thermostat wire.

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.42

icomfort Thermostat
icomfort Indoor Furnace or Air Handler
icomfortOutdoor Condensing Unit or Heat Pump

Indoor/non−Communicating Outdoor Systems

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.43

Optional Accessories for use with any icomfort system

Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.44 Lennox-icomfort-Touch Screen-Programmable-Communicating-Thermostat-fig.45

Download Manual

Lennox icomfort Touch Screen Programmable Communicating Thermostat installation and setup guide


Lennox icomfort Touch Screen Programmable Communicating Thermostat installation and setup guide





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